The Socotur Sayid or "Master" respects the synergy between a rider and horse. There is a mutual connectivity that speaks loudly and directs the riders and the horses movements.
Ray selects the horses that he rides based on his goals for the day. All training sessions and trail rides are not the same so ensuring success is a part of the Socotur Sayid journey.
The journey includes a focus on the environment of care. How and where Ray cares for horses is critical to establishing a firm foundation of well-nourished, healthy riding partners. From the type of hay and grain to ongoing stall maintenance and pasture safety, the environment should never be overlooked and always forefront of mind.
Preparation for a training session or ride requires purposeful equipment identification and selection. Meticulous gentleness as a theory expands the paradigm around the why a horse reacts to a rider and how the horse will appreciate "the ask" of direction or movement.
The design and development of the Socotur philosophy of training and riding has evolved over the years and remains a full robust strategy that pairs simplicity with gentle suggestion. "It's not about the horse... it's really all about you."

Socotur Sayid

Socotur Dhexe

Socotur Bilaa "Beginner"

The Brand of Excellence
580 W. Bowman Road
French Camp, CA 94158
6:30AM - 7:00PM